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Costume:: Prosthetics, Masks & FX


Costume::History & Research

Costume::Images. Art & Design



Costume::Museums, Exhibits


Costuming Sources:: Prosthetics, Masks & FX

Costuming Sources::Arms and Armor

Costuming Sources::Books, Video, and Patterns

Costuming Sources::Footwear & Leather

Costuming Sources::Garb

Costuming Sources::Hats & Wigs

Costuming Sources::Mail-order Sources

Costuming Sources::Miscellany

Costuming Sources::Notions, Trim & Fabric

Costuming Sources::Ornament, Metalwork & Findings

Costuming Sources::Ready-Made Costumes & Accessories/Halloween

Costuming Sources::Recommended Reading & Patterns

Costuming Sources::Sutlers

Gothic / Alternative Fashion::Clothing

Gothic / Alternative Fashion::Corsets

Gothic / Alternative Fashion::Footwear & Legwear

Gothic / Alternative Fashion::Hair & Makeup

Gothic / Alternative Fashion::Jewelry & Adornment

Gothic / Alternative Fashion::Miscellany

Gothic / Alternative Fashion::Petticoats & Bloomers

SF Links::Costume

  Costume :: Images. Art & Design
1600's-Baroque Costume Pictures
Also some how-to articles on making a Petticoat, bodice, Fontange hairdo.
16th Century Late Renaissance Fashion
17th C. Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth Military and Civilian Fashions, Weapons
17th Century Baroque Fashion
1800's Costume Pictures
Costume in Paintings and fashion Plates. Also some patterns and articles.
18th Century Late Baroque and Rococo Fashion
18th Century Male Hats & Caps
Photos of men's hats.
A Cosplay Paradise
Lots of photos of cosplay/anime costume
Abiti Antichi
Pictures of more then 400 items (clothing and photos) divided by historical period from 1802-1930. Site includes text & picture costume history for the same time periods; it is in Italian, so use Google Translate if you don't read Italian. There are also sections on Parasols and Underpinnings. She has a link on the landing page to items in her collection that she has for sale. Great resource for research with photo's of the actual garments and items.
Alice in Wonderland Inspired Costume & Fashion Shoots
55 Photographs inspired by Alice in Wonderland
Alina's Wardrobe
16th century
All the Pretty Dresses
Images of various extant garments in private collections with a focus on Western fashion.
Anime and Cosplay
Anime and Cosplay costume design gallery on deviantART
deviantART Armour photo gallery
2009 Masquerade photos
Before the Automobile
A picture heavy blog of a Finnish woman, self-taught amateur seamstress, making historical clothing, focusing on the 18th and the 19th century. Absolutely gorgeous gowns, corsets, and stays. Some with construction photos.
Bissonnette on Costume
A visual dictionary of Fashion
Carnival of Venice
Images of Carnival of Venice costumes
Celluloid Wrappers: Costume in the Movies
Costume in movies
City of London archive of images. Browse or search portraits for historical costume reference.
Coolest Homemade Costumes
Large Costume Photo Gallery and How-to Tips
Cosplay & Role Playing
deviantART costume gallery
Cosplay & Roll Playing
deviantART costume gallery
Cosplay costume image gallery on deviantART
More Cosplay photos on deviantART
Cosplay photo's. Also great forums.
Costume and Prop photos from Prince of Persia
Costume Con 2010 Photos
Costume Gallery
Costume Photos
Costume in The Early German Renaissance 1470-1520
Costume Pictures on Photobucket
Costume Timelines and Stencil Outlines 1900-1950
300 costume history line drawings
CostumeCon 11 Photos
CostumeCon 27
Futuristic Fashion Show Photos
CostumeCon 28 Photos
Costumes, masks, props & accessories photo galleries on deviantART
Costumes of all Nations
1882 lithographs by Albert Kretschmer
Court Pomp
Court Dress in Europe 1650-1800. Photos of wonderful clothing with zoom in available.
Daguerreian Society
19th century images
Dames a la Mode
Historic Ladies in Fashion- fashion plates from the 18th and early 19th centuries.
Directory of photographs of extant women's clothing from the 17th c. through the edwardian era in museums around the world
Dia de los muertos Sugar Skull makeup
El Costureo Real
Medieval, Renaissance, Fantasy, Pre-rraphaelism, and Steampunk fashion photos and art. Photo blog for this costume designer from Spain.
Elf Fantasy Fair Gallery
Image Gallery
Elizabethan Costume
Elizabethan reproductions
Picture gallery copyright L. Mellin
European Heritage Library Gallery of European traditional costumes & cultural uniforms
A variety of cultural dress and traditional costume images from distinct European cultures
Search online European museum databases for costume images or artwork/portraits by time period. Cross-museum search – art from lots of European museums.
Evil FX
Picture blog of props and armor made by
Fancy Pants
Cosplay gallery.
Fashion plates in the collection of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum, the Smithsonian Institutions's National Museum of Design
18th century fashion plates.
Finnish National Costumes
Florentine Dress Images 1475-1500
by Jennifer Thompson
Fondazione Musei Civici Venezia
Cross-museum search for Venetian museums. Search artwork for costume inspiration.
French Cross-Museum Search
Search art from French museums. If you don't speak French, 1) Type “Costume” in the “Domaine” box and click on “Index,” select “COSTUME – ACCESSOIRES DU COSTUME.” 2) In “Type d’Objet,” type the name of the garment you are trying to locate (e.g., “Robe”) and click on “Index,” select the type. 3) Optional – enter a century as “##E SIECLE” (e.g., “17E SIECLE” = 17th century). 4) Check off “Avec Image.”
From Head to Toe: A look at 18th Century Fashions
Photos of original and reproduction eighteenth century fashions.
Galaxy of Images
Smithsonian Institution online gallery of costume images
Gallery of Garb
Gears and Goggles
Photo blog featuring Steampunk fashion.
Gothic fashion photos and artwork.
Gothic Dark Glamour
Museum at FIT's fashion exhibition Gothic:Dark Glamour
Grand Ladies
Lots of portraits of "grand" ladies from late 15th century through the Belle Epoque, approximately 1914, plus clothing definitions.
Hamill Gallery Costumes
Photos of African costume in the Hamill Gallery.
Hans Weigel's Book of Costume
Costume plates
Reproduction copyright (c) 1997-2009 by A. Bender
Images & forum dedicated to hats and headdresses on deviantART
He's a Steampunk Man
Photo gallery of Steampunk Men
Historic Costumes on #historylovers
Photo gallery devoted to Historic Costume on deviantART
Historical Accuracy Reincarnated
Images and photos of historic and historically inspired costume. Tudor, Regency, Elizabethan, Victorian, Edwardian, Steampunk, Corsets.
History of Costumes by Braun & Schneider
Image Index. Excellent color illustrations of historic costume.
History of Maya Dress
Motifs of the ancient Maya garments survive in the weavings of today
History of Maya Dress
Motifs of the ancient Maya garments survive in the weavings of today
Holland Elf Fantasy Fair
Costume images from the Elf Fantasy Fair where visitors have transformed themselves to Orc, magician, dragon, knight, vampire, elf, unicorn, gothic lolita, manga comic or a combination thereof
Images of Embroidered Jackets for 16th and 17th century ladies
Images of Men's Italian Renaissance Costume in paintings
Italian Working-class Dress
(c)Jennifer Thompson
Japanese Gothic Lolita
Image galleries
Jesters: A fool and his clothing
What did jesters wear in the Middle ages and Renaissance. This set of links concentrates on pictures of those who were professionally employed as jesters.
Kimono Pictures
Kulturhistorisk Museum Randers
Text in Danish, but lovely photos of historic costume in their collection. Clothing from 1740 through 1980.
LAcon 3-Masquerade Images
Ladies' Evening Dress for the 1850's and 1860's
Larger images of fashion plates and original descriptions
Legend of Avaria
Steampunk photos and art.
Light Saber Gallery
Lynn McMasters 1790's Costume
Multiple images and closeups
Mardis Gras Costume Pictures
Marie Antoinette Portrait Gallery
Mark Cordory
Props and Set pictures from Doctor Who by the guy that made them. Also some of his other props, costumes, and steampunk creations.
McCord Museum Costume & Textile Database
Search the Costume & Textile database for photos of items from their collection.
Medieval and Renaissance Costume Pictures
Mundo Fantasma
Cosplay photos and artwork.
Museen Nord
Search the museum database for costume, textiles, and artwork for costume study. Try “kleidung” for all costume items.
Costume collection highlights from this museum in Finland.
My Oppa
Steampunk and cosplay fashion blog. Lots of great photos for inspiration.
Noreascon 3, Boston, 1989
Photos of some of the costumes seen at WorldCon
Old Rags
Fashion History picture blog.
OMG that Dress
Historic fashion picture blog.
Oriental Costumes; Their Designs and Colors
Entire costume plate book now available to view online, for free!
Photos of Venice Carnival
Fancy masks and extravagant costumes
Pictorial History of Women's Fashion
15th through 19th centuries.
Portugal Cross-Museum Search
Search "traje" for costume, or "armadura" for armor. Use Google Translate to search other terms like "século 18" for 18th century, "capacete" for helmet, etc.
Project Cosplay
deviantART gallery of cosplay costumes and props
deviantART pages devoted to the art of creating replica props for costuming or display. Great pictures to inspire you.
Renaissance Images
Renaissance costumes, costume artwork, costume design, stock images, fashion, and art on deviantART
Reproductions of model gowns exhibited by Haas brothers, for the spring season of 1913
Early 20th century Fashion Plates.
Rococo Costume Images
Images, Articles, and some How to.
Royal Ontario Museum
Browse their collection for online images of Fashion & Design, Sewing, Portraits, and Armor.
Royal Portraits
Picture blog of Painted, Sculpted, Carved, Engraved, Printed, or Photographic pictures of Royals, from any time or place.
Scholars Resource
Costume and fashion images
SCI-FI-archives gallery
Science Fiction Characters, robots, vehicles, places, photos, weapons,aliens, monsters, sketches and concepts for inspiration on deviantART
Sforza Hours images
Beautiful images from the Sforza Hours
Sgt. Pepper Costume Images
Shagnasty Labs Custom Gadgets Gallery
Photo gallery of their steampunk prop guns
SisterSola Costume Con 2010 Photos
Steampunk props and accessory photos
Spain: Museum-wide Search
In Spanish. Search using “indumentaria” to see all costume items, or "indumentaria historica" for historic costume items.
Star Trek Prop Galleries
Pictures of the props from the Star Trek movies
Steampunk & Clockwork Couture Inspired Fashion
Photo Gallery
Steampunk & Neo-Victorian Outfits for Women
Photo gallery on BRASKY
Steampunk Costume Slideshow
Steampunk costume slideshow put together by the Toronto Steampunk Society
Steampunk East
Steampunk photo and art blog. Great inspiration.
Steampunk Exhibition
Photos from the exhibition at the Oxford Museum of History and Science 2009-2010
Steampunk Exhibition
Photos from the exhibition at the Oxford Museum of History and Science 2009-2010
Steampunk Fashion Show
Photo's from the Brooklyn Indie Markets' Second Annual Steampunk fashion show
Steampunk Inspiration
Steampunk fashion, gadgets, and paintings to inspire you.
Steampunk Original Design: Madam DeVier
Steampunk Photoshoot
A Steampunk costume photoshoot in various locations around San Diego's historic buildings.
Steampunk Fashion Photography, Accessories, Sculpture, Props, Art, Photography and Sketches on deviantART
TEXMEDIN Digital Library
Search costumes, textiles, accessories, garments, and sample books from Textile Museum of Prato, Centre of Documentation and Textile Museum of Terrassa, Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation and Carpiformazione.
Textile Museum and Documentation Centre in Terrassa
Search the collection database. Use Google Translate for search terms in Catalan or translate the page to your appropriate language.
Textiles and costume of the Late Middle Ages
Blog. Braiding, clothing, embroidery, headwear, sources, tutorials
The British Library Images Online
The Costumebase
Access to over 3500 pictures that depict period costume, fabrics and fashion accessories.This site is all about period costume, from the Middle Ages up to the early 20th century. Access 4000 costume pictures through a database, read one of hundreds of articles, or download some authentic period patterns
The Digital Scriptorium
The Digital Scriptorium is a growing image database of medieval and renaissance manuscripts that unites scattered resources from many institutions into an international tool for teaching and scholarly research
The Fashionable Past
Blog with fashion plates, photo's and descriptions of original and reproduction clothing covering the 18th century, Regency, Romantic Era, Mid 19th century, Bustle Era, Edwardian and 19-teens Era.
The Fashionable Past
Blog with fashion plates, photo's and descriptions of original and reproduction clothing covering the 18th century, Regency, Romantic Era, Mid 19th century, Bustle Era, Edwardian and 19-teens Era.
The Frazzled Frau
Pictures of female German garb from the 16th century.
The Handbook of German Dress
Color costume plates
The History of Costume
Entire costume plate book by Braun & Schneider now available online for free. I have a copy of the print book, and have found it invaluable.
The History of Costume by Braun & Schneider
Fashion plates from the book reproduced online
The International Costumers Gallery
Over 20,000 photographs of costumes in the International Costumers Gallery covering WorldCons, CostumeCon, Costume College, and lots of other conventions and events.
The Kyoto Costume Institute: Digital Archives
Online digital archive has high resolution images of some of the costume pieces in the collection. A must visit site.
The Lewis Walpole Library Digital Collection
Online database of historical drawings and paintings.
The Museum of London Picture Library
history of London and its people from prehistoric times to the present. These Includes images of objects from the Museum's collections of paintings, prints, drawings, photography, maps and 3D objects including costume, jewelry and ceramics
The Noble Hare
Photo gallery of costume: Steampunk, Dieselpunk, Victorian, Mechanical, Gothic, Fantasy and everything in between.
The Noble Hare
Photo gallery of costume: Steampunk, Dieselpunk, Victorian, Mechanical, Gothic, Fantasy and everything in between. Some gorgeous Steampunk fashion photography.
The Old Brass Goggles
Steampunk fashion photos and art.
The Realm of Venus
Italian Renaissance clothing of the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in portraits, paintings, frescoes, and costume books
Therion's Armor and Weapons
Antique and ethnic armor and weapons photos
Tom Banwell Leather
Images of artist Tom Banwell's Steampunk Masks and Helmets
Tudor Costume
Photos and pictures of Tudor and Elizabethan costume.
Victoria and Albert Museum
The collection covers fashionable dress
from the 17th century to the present day. Wonderful photographs online of many fashions, textiles and jewelry from their collection.
Victorian Costume and Artisan Crafts
Images of Victorian fashion, jewelry and crafts on deviantART
Victorian-Aesthetic Artisan Crafts
Victorian / Steampunk inspired Artisan Craft photo gallery on deviantART
Web Gallery of Art
Virtual museum and searchable database of European painting and sculpture from 11th to mid-19th centuries. Pictures can be viewed in various magnifications at excellent quality.
Historic artwork and portraits from 1280 through the 20th century.
Gallery of wonderfoam cosplay and prop creations
Working Women's Clothes in 1580s London
WorldCon Masquerade Photo's
Listing of the WorldCon's so far, click photo icon next to listing to get to the pictures.

Screenshots by Robothumb
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